Make a step beyond and increase your cross-border resilience!
A Call for Proposals for local and regional authorities in border regions to receive support and increase their cross-border resilience was opened in early October and closed on 30 November 2024. In December, a group of independent experts selected according to their cross-border expertise in building regional resilience evaluated the submitted proposals to select those to receive support to implement pilot actions. The selected proposals will get financial and technical assistance to prepare sound spatial planning or cross-border crisis management plans.
Border regions can increase their preparedness to face future crises and develop more efficient infrastructures and services on their territories if they have a feasible cross-border plan to manage crises effectively and a comprehensive cross-border spatial plan. Implementing these plans is a very ambitious goal, and it goes out of the scope of this proposal, which is addressed to support pilot actions to elaborate these cross-border plans.
The European Commission’s DG REGIO has entrusted the AEBR and the Mission Operationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) to manage this call jointly, with each responsible for the crisis management and spatial planning lots, respectively. Both organisations will announce the selected cases in January 2025 and will follow up on the implementation of the pilot actions, reporting their achievements at the end of 2025.
This action is part of the European Parliament’s Cross/Border Crisis Response Integrated Initiative (CB-CRII) pilot project.
You can read more about the call, including a few examples that might have inspired some applications, and the application form on the dedicated website: There you will also find news and insights, where AEBR and MOT teams have published a few posts, a Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs) section and the primary contacts, including the two specific email addresses for every lot: and
In early 2025, this website will also include information about the selected pilots, their follow-up and any other information of interest.