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Resilient Borders

Resilient Borders – ‘Cross-Border Spatial Planning and Crisis Management Pilot Actions’ is an initiative aimed at supporting border regions in achieving effective joint spatial planning or cross-border crisis management plans.

Increased cross-border governance and a cohesive territorial development or resilience are the expected successful results.

Promoted by the European Commission, this is one of the actions initiated in the framework of the European Parliament’s pilot project ‘Cross/Border Crisis Response Integrated Initiative’ (CB-CRII).

Resilient Borders is managed jointly by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT).


The project offers financial support to actors in border regions to develop pilot actions setting up joint cross-border spatial planning or crisis management action plans.

Support will be distributed through a dedicated call for proposals divided into two lots: lot 1 on Cross-border Crisis Management, lot 2 on Cross-Border Spatial Planning.

The call for proposals is open from 4 October until 30 November 2024 and can be aceessed here.



Duration: From January 2024 to December 2025

AEBR role in Resilient Borders: holder of a Commission’s grant (DG Regio); manager of this initiative, together with Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT)

Responsible persons in AEBR: Martín Guillermo Ramírez, Anna Cinzia Dellagiacoma.


Link to Resilient Borders’ website:

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