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Entelis+ accessibility for inclusive learning

ENTELIS+ will be implementing a new method of working based on the ENTELIS network and the EIPonAHA community to foster inclusive education regarding accessibility skills for a technology-enhanced learning oriented to people with disabilities and older adult

ENTELIS+ builds on the outcomes of ENTELIS project and network, aimed to reduce the digital divide by strengthening organisations that collaborate in the development of strategies and policies for digital skills development of persons with disabilities of all ages, by raising awareness, developing digital skills and building capacities of public authorities and service providers.

Duration of the project: 2 years (From February 2020 to January 2022)

AEBR role in the project: 

AEBR takes action mostly in the Working Package 4 on “Dissemination & Exploitation of Results”, being in charge of establishing the guidelines for scaling up the project successfully. These reach out to regional and local authorities (LRA) across Europe. AEBR also inputs other tasks (especially the Advisory Board in WP5) related to its expertise on upscaling in a cross-border context and the use of EU Structural Funds to develop and implement policy innovation.


  • Analysis of existing good practices on accessibility digital skills to foster inclusive education
  • Training workshop for expert trainers & partners
  • Development of concrete (local) plans to bridge the digital divide
  • Piloting local action plans
  • Local awareness events
  • Toolkit for a successful scaling up

What will the members of AEBR gain from this project: 

  • know-how and tools as results of this project;
  • knowledge in a not very common subject for the work of AEBR such as disability, allowing us to expand knowledge and learn new realities that we can apply in our border regions in the future;
  • extend the network of contacts.

How can a border region participate in the project?

​Border regions will be involved in this project and will benefit from the outputs since AEBR will organise 5 local events for authorities in border regions. The aim of these events is to increase awareness and knowledge by public authorities about these tools and stimulate their use.

More info: 

Additional material:

Article by Susanna Laurin on the We4Cluster project, for accessible websites and content.

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