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Mercosur’s seminar “Healthcare in Borders” with AEBR’s participation

09 June 2022

On 7 and 8 June, the second seminar on Healthcare in Borders took place in Asunción, Paraguay. The seminar was jointly organised by Mercosur, the Pan American Health Organisation and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the Organisation. The Seminar counted on the participation of political and technical representatives from Mercosur, and focused on the sharing of best practices and experiences on the improvement of access to quality healthcare in border areas.


Mercosur, Eurosocial and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), which was represented by its Secretary General Martín Guillermo, shared best practices on public healthcare services which are provided in a cross-border dynamic. AEBR delivered a presentation on European experiences of cross-border cooperation in healthcare, focusing on successful cases along the Spanish-Portuguese border and in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion. On behalf of Eurosocial, Mr. Matteo Berzi presented the results of a Eurosocial-funded project regarding a proposed Protocol for Patient Mobility across the Mercosur.

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