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b-solutions 2.0: the first nine cases awarded

AEBR is proud to announce the first nine cases awarded in the framework of the b-solutions initiative.

In cooperation with the Border Focal Point at the European Commission’s DG REGIO, AEBR has launched b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals.

As of 30 June marking the first interim selection of the present call, we had received ten submissions from various border regions in Europe. Thank you very much to all applicants!

Following the assessment of the applications received, nine cases addressing legal and/or administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation were selected to receive technical support by legal experts with knowledge of cross-border instances and of specific territories.

The experts – awarded by AEBR and DG REGIO upon participation to a dedicated call for expression of interest – will cooperate directly with the representatives of each case in analysing the obstacle and suggesting solutions.

Discover below the successful applications:

In the thematic area of  “Institutional cooperation“:

  • GO! Borderless Square (GECT GO / EZTS GO)
  • Facilitating youth mobility across borders (EGTC European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino)

In the thematic area of “Public services”:

  • Health service (EUROBEC)

In the thematic area of “Labour market and education”:

  • Develop a successful business with my neighbour country (Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Xanthi)
  • Cross Border Internships (Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig,  Regionskotor & Infocenter)
  • Student mobility (EUROBEC)
  • Youth Beyond Borders (EGTC Euregio Senza Confini r.l. / EVTZ Euregio Ohne Grenzen mbH)
  • Cross border DUAL VET Euroregion Galicia Norte Portugal (Galicia Norte Portugal EGTC)

In the thematic area of “European Green Deal”:

  • Legalise border crossings for French-Spanish rescue services (Pyrénées-Atlantiques department Fire and Rescue Service – SDIS64)

Many thanks again to all the participants! We look forward to sharing with AEBR members and friends more details on the implementation of the new advice cases.

The b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals will remain open until 21 October. Therefore, we would like to invite public entities and cross-border structures, located along EU internal land and maritime borders as well as along EU borders with EFTA and with IPA countries, to submit their applications and enhance cross-border cooperation.

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