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AEBR TF External Borders and MOBI Conference in Uzhhorod

AEBR Task Force of External Borders meeting in Uzhhorod Ukraine
Hotel Praha, 38, Verkhovynska street, Uzhhorod
Monday, 5. June 2023
Arrival of participants
Tuesday 6. June 2023
Moderator: Ms. Nataliya Nosa-Pylypenko, Association IARDI10:00 Opening

Volodymyr Chubirko, Head of Zakarpattia County Council

Bohdan Andriyiv, Uzhhorod City Mayor

Tetyana Ehorova-Lutsenkо, Kharkiv Regional Council

Satu Sikanen, Regional Council of South Karelia

Martin Guillermo, AEBR

10:30 – 12:00 Bilateral (B2B) meetings

– Table 1: Association of European Border Regions AEBR (Martin Guillermo, Secretary General)
– Table 2: Regional Council of South Karelia, Finland (Ms. Satu Sikanen, Regional Mayor)
– Table 3: Taipalsaari Municipality (Mr. Jarmo Turunen, Chairman of board)
– Table 4: Federation of Finnish Enterprises in South Karelia (Mr. Pasi Toropainen, acting director)
Other tables may be formed according on request

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch (hosted by AEBR)
14.00 – 17.00 Seminar: “AEBR and AEBR Task Force of External Borders meets Ukrainian border regions

Solidarity, Territorial Cooperation and Subsidiarity
Moderator: Mr. Johannes Moisio, Chairman of AEBR Task Force of External Borders

Mr. Martin Guillermo, AEBR

Ms. Tetyana Ehorova-Lutsenkо, Kharkiv Regional Council

Ms. Satu Sikanen, Regional Council of South Karelia

Mr. Oleksandr Podshivalenko, Deputy Head of Pisochyn community (tbc)

Ms. Nataliya Nosa-Pylypenko, International Association of Regional Development Institutions

Mr. Serhii Tatusiak, Head of Euroregion Dnister, Vinnytsa (online)

Mr. Serhii Chernov, Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils (tbc)

Mr. Yurii Kholod, Deputy Chairman of Lviv Regional Council (tbc)

Mr. Oleh Luksha, Zakarpattia branch of Association of Ukrainian Cities

Ms. Nataliya Gvakalova, Head of the Department of State Governance, Public Administration, and Regional Policy at Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (online)

Mr. Eduard Syromolot, Head of Informational Center, AEBR (online)

Ms. Yuliia Hrytsku-Andriiesh, Deputy Head of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration (online)

Mr. Zinovij Broyde, Chernivetska oblast, Centre “EcoResource” (online)


Round table:

–        Solidarity 1: Current and future needs of Ukrainian border regions; strengths and weaknesses; opportunities

–        Solidarity 2: What can AEBR and its members do to support Ukrainian border regions (in the short-, mid- and long-term?

–        Subsidiarity: roles, competences and opportunities of Ukrainian border regions

–        Territorial Cooperation: Present and future Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) and other EU programmes at the external borders, with a special focus on Ukraine, Moldova, and EU regions bordering the Russian Federation. Do we need a new generation of “smart” territorial programmes?

–        ​Networking and lobbying: The European action of Ukrainian regions: presence in Brussels, networking, etc. Achievable object


General discussion


Ms. Myroslava Lendel, Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Research, Uzhhorod National University

Ms. Elena Itani Chief of the Wood Market Analysis Department at the State Enterprise “Forestry Innovation and Analytical Center”

Mr. Mykola Palinchak, Dean of International Economic Relations Faculty, Uzhhorod National University

Ms. Oksana Stankevych-Koval, NGO «Ecosphere»

Mr. Volodymyr Khymynets, Institute for Strategic Studies

Mr. Rakoczi Andras, Regional Development Association “KIUT”, Hungary

Mr. Mihai Patrascu, Director of Satu Mare International Airport


Organizational support from Olena Bilanina, Head of Youth Council


19.00 Dinner (hosted by AEBR)
Wednesday 7. June 2023

MOBI-project final conference in Uzhhorod

10.00 – 10.30 Welcoming speeches

10.30 – 13:00 Presentations

14.00 – 15:00 Lunch

15:00 – 17:00 Session Best Practises

19.00 Dinner (hosted by IARDI)

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