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AEBR Executive Committee meeting and study visits in Maramureş

Participants arrived to Baia Mare, capital of Maramureş County in Romania, and started their programme on Thursday, 8 June, at 17:00  with a visit to the Centre for alternative therapies for children with disabilities (Althera Project), implemented in partnership by Maramureş County and Ivano Frankivsk Region (UA), and financed by the RO-UA CBC Programme 2014-2020. A superp facility that could support the cross-border management of these children. To get there, we also passed though a Roma community, an excellent opportunity to see a different side out of stereotypes, an always useful exercise for border people. It followed an excellent guided tour of the historical centre of Baia Mare, complemented with a late-evening tour for a few AEBRians by a group of young Councillors. The dinner and the traditional Romanian songs and dances made a beautiful end four our first day in Baia Mare at ”Casa Crisan”.

On Friday, 9 June, AEBR Executive Committee Meeting took place at the “Bogdan Voda” meeting hall of the Maramureş County Council. Ionel Ovidiu BOGDAN, president of MaramureşCounty Council, Rudolf STAUDER, prefect of MaramureşCounty, and Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, president of AEBR welcomed the participants and opened the meeting at 9:00. Various organisational and financial issues were discussed, as well a proposal of new statutes, the participation in various projects, next appointments, and the support to Ukrainian border regions and the Uzhhorod Declaration adopted by the Task Force External Borders a few days before. The meeting ended at 12:30. Simultaneous translation was provided in RO, EN, DE .

Then, a second set of study visits followed: the participants transferred to Sighetu Marmației and kept a working meeting at ”Casa Iurca de Calinesti” -to deal with CB projects RO-UA, the situation in UA, – Maramureşsupport for UA and  UA needs for support with:
– Florin Grațian PÂRVU, Romanian Consul in Solotvino (UA)
– Representatives of Transcarpathia Regional Council (UA): Andriy Sheketa, first deputy head of the council; Vasyl Makovskyi, head of the Department of international relations; Palvo Biletskyi, press officer; Natalia Nosa, translation
– Vasile MOLDOVAN, Mayor of Sighetu Marmației
– Florin COMAN, head of Territorial Inspectorate of the Border Police Sighet
– Representatives of NGO ASSOC Baia Mare: Florian SALAJEANU, president of the NGO ASSOC Baia Mare; Stefano CELIA, project manager Blue Dot; Annalisa CONTU, manager international relations; Svitlana SPEKTOR, communication responsible; Ovidiu VLADOI, representative of UNICEF in Maramureş

The participants also visited the Blue Dot integrated centre for refugees in Sighet, including the Historical Bridge. A presentation of Blue Dot facilities to support the refugees was made by Florian SALAJEANU, president of the NGO ASSOC Baia Mare, followed by a presentation of Border Crossing Point Sighetu Marmatiei by Florin COMAN, head of Territorial Inspectorate of the Border Police in Sighetu Marmatiei. A visit to Sapanta Merry Cemetery and various of the famous wooden churches completed the visit. Most participants left the following day through the Cluj Napica airport.

See the news in the website of Maramureş County Council

A particular thank you to Ionel Ovidiu BOGDAN for hosting AEBR Executive Committee meeting at the Maramureş County Council and, particularly, to Margareta Capilnean, Gheorghe Paul Szaniszlo and Doru Alexandru Lazăr for their permanent support since well before and during our activities in Maramureş.

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