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New b-solutions compendium to identify and boost cross-border solutions

We are pleased to introduce the new publication  b-solutions: Solving Border Obstacles: A Compendium 2023-2024.

This comprehensive compendium features 34 real-life cases of border obstacles analysed between 2023 and mid-2024. These cases illuminate the challenges faced by local and regional actors, the legal and administrative roots of these issues, and the tailored solutions identified by legal experts to overcome them.

The publication also includes nine cases under objective 2, which received additional expert support to transform identified solutions into implementable formats. This was fostered through the facilitation and brokerage of multiple stakeholders in a multilevel governance context.

Building on this knowledge, policymakers at all levels of governance are encouraged to take action to further the progress achieved so far, enhancing the quality of life, economic prospects, and administrative efficiency in EU border regions.

In total, 165 cases have been collected within the EU-funded b-solutions initiative. All the cases can be found in the publications accessible through the b-solutions library. 

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